Lolita (1962)
poster Lolita

Country:UK, 152 minutes

Spoken languages:English, French

Genres:Drama, Romance

Director(s):Stanley Kubrick


Video Codec:Unknown

Number: 306

IMDb Rating:
7.7/10 (64.8K votes)


Humbert Humbert, a divorced British professor of French literature, travels to small-town America for a teaching position. He allows himself to be swept into a relationship with Charlotte Haze, his widowed and sexually famished landlady, whom he marries in order that he might pursue the woman's 14-year-old flirtatious daughter, Lolita, with whom he has fallen hopelessly in love, but whose affections shall be thwarted by a devious trickster named Clare Quilty.

James Mason (as Prof. Humbert Humbert), Shelley Winters (as Charlotte Haze), Sue Lyon (as Lolita), Lois Maxwell (as Nurse Mary Lore), Shirley Douglas (as Mrs. Starch)

Medium: Unknown,

Comments: 174-240-1

Loaned: No

Aspect ratio: 4:3